
Serbia the country of opportunities

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector, which recorded a jump in the previous year, represents one of the biggest potentials of Serbia.


Services | Citizens

Say goodbye to waiting in queues, crowds at desks and wrong phone numbers. The e-government enables you to handle all administrative matters in a much more convenient manner from your home, office or even on the move, through mobile devices, leaving you with more time for the things that really matter.

Services | Citizens

Services | Corporate sector

The e-government provides many opportunities to companies of all industries and sizes



Keepin touch

Whether you have a question, comment, suggestion or any problem falling within the competence of the Government, send us your message and we will try to respond as soon as possible. If your problem does not fall within our competence, we will forward your message to the competent institution.

(If you have already contacted us regarding the same matter, please enter your case number)

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