Programmes of additional education

Job for the future

In today's world, business operations are continuously evolving. Those who are ready to adapt and embrace change have the greatest potential for success. In this modern era, individuals with a clear vision thrive. We envision Serbia as a country of boundless opportunities for all its citizens. Together, we not only work to create these opportunities but also ensure that we are equipped to fully capitalise on them.

Unemployed individuals registered with the National Employment Service have the opportunity to participate in additional education and training programmes to acquire new knowledge, skills and competences, gain initial work experience and familiarise themselves with real work environments. These programmes are developed based on an annual survey assessing employers’ workforce needs.


The additional education and training programmes primarily include:


  • Professional practice programme;
  • Trainee programme for young people with higher education;
  • Trainee programme for unemployed individuals with secondary education;
  • Programme for acquiring practical knowledge for unqualified individuals, surplus employees and long-term unemployed persons;
  • Training for the labour market;
  • Training at the employer’s request for unemployed individuals;
  • Training tailored to the employer’s workforce needs;
  • Functional basic adult education;
  • Specialist IT training.