– Proceeding from the resolutions of the National Assembly of 26th December 2007, 25th July 2007, 14th February 2007and 21st November 2005, stipulating the principles and guidelines for pursuing the state policy of the Republic of Serbia as regards Kosovo and Metohija,
– Having in mind the real threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of of the Republic of Serbia, ensuing from the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo and Metohija by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in the province,
– Notifying all the international actors of the fact that the Republic of Serbia, observing the UN Charter and its own Constitution, has the right and obligation to use the legal means to challenge any possible development of the kind,
– Expressing readiness of the Republic of Serbia, in the present situation, as well, when the state sovereignty and territorial integrity is threatened, to contribute to peaceful and consensual resolution of this issue in line with the principles and norms of international law and its own Constitution,
– Guided by the necessity to continue pursuing the unified state policy and defend the honour and dignity of its people that vested it with right of legitimate and democratic representation,
By virtue of Article 99, Item 7, of the Serbian Constitution and Article 8, paragraph 1, of the Law on the National Assembly(„Official Gazette of RS”, No 9/10), the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, at the Extraordinary Session held on 31st June 2011, passed the following
1. The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia notes that the provisional institutions in Priština made a violent attempt to change the actual situation on the ground, exert additional pressure on Serbia and substantially abolish the UNSC Resolution 1244.
2. National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia notes with a special concern that some international missions deployed in Kosovo in Metohija by virtue of United Nations decisions and mandates, by some of their activities, violate the frameworks set by the UNSC Resolution 1244, thеreby threatening the rights and existence of the Serbian population and the interests of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.
3. The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia concludes that such activities represent grave violation of international law, primarily of the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and the UNSC Resolution 1244. Such acts and activities directly jeopardize sovereignty, territorial integrity and constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia.
4. The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia calls on the Government of the Republic of Serbia to take the necessary measures for the consistent observance of UNSC Resolution 1244 by all international missions in Kosovo and Metohija.
5. The National Assembly condemns any kind of violence in Kosovo and Metohija and calls for a peaceful resolution of the crisis caused by Priština's unilateral action.
6. Having in mind the above mentioned facts, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia establishes the framework of the state authorities’ and other public actors’ activities in defence of sovereigny, territorial integrity and the constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia:
а) Defence of legitimate interests of the Republic of Serbia and the people living in Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of the Republic of Serbia, under the interim United Nations administration, represents the priority of the state institutions and all public actors in the state, until the compromise solution of the issue is adopted in line with UNSC Resolution 1244.
b) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia supports the Government of the Republic of Serbia to continue dialogue with Priština with the aim of finding solution for actual problems the citizens of Kosovo are facing, and achieving a lasting compromise solution.
The National Assembly calls on the international community to condemn any unilateral action which threatens the success of the dialog held between Belgrade and Priština.
c) Commits the Government of the Republic of Serbia to request the international missions, in accordance with their mandate and the framework provided by the UNSC Resolution 1244, to allow no unilateral activities carried out by the provisional institutions in Priština threatening peace, stability, possibility of reaching compromise solution and changing of the existing situation on the ground.
d) Commits the Government of the Republic of Serbia to adopt concrete measures aimed at maintenance of all state activities of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija in the circumstances of additional obstructions and pressures exercised by the provisional institutions of self-government and a part of the international community.
e) Specially obliges the Government of the Republic of Serbia to make its utmost efforts in all circumstances that may arise, to protect the lives and property, rights and liberties of the citizens in the province, and especially the Serbian and other violence endangered population.
f) Obliges the Government of the Republic of Serbia to adopt a concrete and comprehensive measures plan to be taken within all spheres of its competence in case of deterioration of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.
g) Commits the Government of the Republic of Serbia to regularly report to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, at least once in three months, on the developments in Kosovo and Metohija, and on implementation of the above mentioned activities and measures for the protection of sovereignty, territorial integrity and constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia.
7. This Declaration shall be published in the „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”.
RS No 44
In Belgade, 31st July 2011