Brnabic expressed her satisfaction with the cooperation to date and emphasised that, thanks to the professional attitude of this company, all projects that are being implemented in Serbia are well advanced, and that the cooperation of the Serbian government with the CCCC is exceptional.
The Prime Minister underlined that she is very satisfied with the beginning of the construction of the section of the Preljina-Pozega motorway and expressed the expectation that the section of Corridor 11 from Surcin to Obrenovac will be opened by the end of the year.
We will try that the works on the Novi Sad-Ruma fast road on the Fruska Gora Corridor begin in the last quarter of this year, Brnabic said.
Representatives of China Communications Construction Company expressed their gratitude to the Serbian government on its trust and underlined that, as until now, the works will be carried out in the highest quality and most modern way, with due respect for the deadlines.
In addition to good and efficient cooperation with the institutions of the Republic of Serbia, they mention good cooperation with domestic companies as a reason for the successful operation of CCCC.
The interlocutors confirmed that the activities on the construction of the Chinese-Serbian industrial park in Belgrade continue at a satisfactory pace, and among other projects, activities on the preparation of a project for the construction of the highway from Pozega to Boljare on the border with Montenegro are underway.