Speaking at the ceremony held on the platform of the Main Railway Station in Novi Sad, Brnabic said that great things lie ahead of Serbia if we manage to preserve peace and stability.
In light of what is happening today and what happened yesterday in Ohrid, none of this would be possible if we did not have peace. We would not be able to dream these dreams if we did not have stability and the perception that both Serbia and this part of Europe will be stable in the future, she said.
She added that the entire Bar railway to the border with Montenegro will be modernised, and a branch of the high-speed railway to Sid, which will be a connection to Italy and Austria, via Zagreb and Ljubljana, will be built.
Brnabic explained that once the high-speed railway to Subotica is completed, we will travel from Belgrade to Subotica in just one hour and 18 minutes, assessing that it is a completely different Serbia - stronger, more modern and more advanced.
The Prime Minister stated that the steel friendship with China also reflects the fact that last year the two countries achieved a total level of trade of $6 billion, while our exports to China reached a record $1.16 billion, which is 152 times more than 10 years ago.
According to her, our priority is to bring additional Chinese investors to Serbia, as well as to increase the volume of exchange in the field of services and technology, and thus further improve our economic relations.
That is why Serbia's goal is to finish negotiations on a free trade agreement with China in the course of 2023 and to sign it by the end of the year, she stated.