The amended legal solutions, among other things, regulate more closely the electronic procedures of the Directorate for Agricultural Payments in initiating and conducting procedures for exercising the right to incentives, in accordance with the regulations in force in that area.
At the session, a Decision was made on the establishment of the Coordinating body for the agreements on mutual promotion and protection of investments, which will have the task of considering issues and coordinating and directing the work of state administration bodies in connection with the preparation, negotiation and conclusion of international agreements on the protection and promotion of investments, the execution of concluded international agreements and the application of internal regulations in the field of international agreements concluded by the Republic of Serbia.
At today's session, government members adopted the Bill on amendments to the Law on foreigners and the Bill on amendments to the Law on the employment of foreigners, which enables foreign nationals, in a single procedure, to obtain the right to temporary residence and work in Serbia at the same time. through a unique procedure of the necessary checks, related to both the approval of temporary residence and work permits.
After that, if the legal requirements are met, a single permit is issued.
The issuing of a single permit, i.e. a residence and work permit, is fully digitised, given that the application can only be submitted electronically.
Also, a single web portal will contain in one place all information related to the entry, stay and work of foreigners in Serbia.
The government adopted the Decision on the establishment of the Council for the Rights of the Child as a working body of the government of exceptional importance for the promotion, realisation and protection of the rights of the child.
The government adopted a Conclusion approving the implementation of four projects in the Danube area for the improvement of tourist infrastructure - the construction of a sports and recreation centre with a car camp in Kovin, the construction of a bicycle path along the Danube embankment from Vracev Gaj to Stara Palanka in the territory of the Bela Crkva municipality, the construction of a 10-kilometre long bicycle and pedestrian path, with lighting, from Ram Fortress to Silver Lake, on the territory of the municipality of Veliko Gradiste and the arrangement of a sports and recreational complex along the riverside in Novi Sad.
At the session, the Decree on the "War Memorial" was also adopted, as a form of recognition and gratitude to fighters and war invalids for their participation in the defence of their fatherland.