At the “Fair of Green Ideas, Projects and Investments” on the occasion of the International Day of Environmental Protection, Vujovic stated that a set of laws had been adopted that confirmed our determination to bring the legislation in this area into line with the European ones.
According to her, the preparation of the first adaptation program to the changed climatic conditions is underway, as well as a very intensive process of creating an environmental protection strategy – the Green Agenda with an action plan.
Through the “EU for Green Agenda in Serbia” project, a call is being opened today to local self-government units for co-financing of air protection measures, which will enable the implementation of specific measures in those local self-governments that have developed air quality plans or have made significant progress in air quality planning, the Minister said.
Vujovic used this opportunity to invite units of local self-government which have developed their air quality plans or have achieved significant progress in planning air quality, to apply to the public call which will co-finance air protection measures by up to 50% of the total project value, in order to improve air quality in their units of local self-government.
Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret said that the purpose of the EU Green Agenda for the Western Balkans is to reduce fossil fuels dependency and move to renewable energy sources, preserve and better use natural resources, reduce environmental pollution, preserve nature and biodiversity, ensure rural development and sustainable food supply systems. I believe that by working together we can bring benefits to society.
There is no planet B and certainly there is no time to stand still, particularly at these turbulent times. Much hard work is ahead of us: regulations, their implementation, investments, and dialogue as the key actions of the future. Greening the economy also means greening the mindset, and I am inviting citizens to get engaged and informed about the different events during the European Green Week, but also afterwards, because the world needs all of us to be actively engaged, he said.
Resident Representative of UNDP in Serbia Yakup Beris praised the implemented projects and investments that affect the green transformation of the Serbian economy and society.
By organising this fair we wanted to gather together all innovators who, with the support of the UNDP and our partners, are making an active contribution to the green transformation of Serbia, in order to inspire others to take the same track. Since they have been implemented in practice, these green solutions are already having positive impact on the environment and public health, he noted.
At the same time, these companies and their products are becoming more competitive in the export markets, and thereby they contribute to sustainable economic growth and creating new green jobs, the UNDP Resident Representative in Serbia said.