Speaking to the press after the signing of this document, Dacic pointed out that this is a very important agreement not only for citizens, but also for people who are on duty in Azerbaijan or here in Serbia.
He noted that the Agreement between the Serbian government and the Azerbaijani government on the mutual cancellation of visas for holders of ordinary passports entered into force these days, which is another very clear indicator of extremely friendly relations between the two countries.
According to his opinion, countries that have such agreements show a high level of mutual respect and friendship.
The Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that relations between our two countries and two peoples are at an extremely high level and are based on traditionally friendly ties, mutual trust and respect for the basic principles of international law.
Dacic expressed his gratitude for the principled attitude of Azerbaijan and the full international support that that country provides to Serbia in the fight to preserve its territorial integrity and sovereignty.
He confirmed that Serbia's position also remains unchanged when it comes to the territorial sovereignty and integrity of Azerbaijan.
The First Deputy Prime Minister added that this year, for the first nine months, a record value of goods exchange of approximately $100 million was recorded, which is an exceptional growth.
Bilateral cooperation could be greater in the field of energy and in the agricultural and food sector. We are interested in more frequent contacts between our businessmen and the search for common economic interests, Dacic declared.
Bayramov expressed his gratitude for the hospitality displayed to his delegation during its visit to Serbia and underlined that he discussed with Dacic many topics and common goals for the further improvement of the strategic partnership between Serbia and Azerbaijan.
Relations between the two countries are characterized by the exchange of high-level visits, excellent political dialogue, enrichment of interparliamentary relations, useful interaction within international organisations, promising economic cooperation, as well as cultural and humanitarian exchange, he underlined.
According to Bayramov, economic cooperation experienced an all-time expansion this year, but it still does not reflect its full potential.