The bills amending the Law on the Foundations of the Education System, the Law on Primary Education and the Law on Secondary Education propose a change in the working status of religious education teachers, who until now could only be hired for a fixed period of time, i.e. 12 months for each school year.
The change of the name of the elective programme to an elective subject (religious education, civic education and the second foreign language) was proposed in order to indicate the fact that they represent mandatory subjects that differ from other mandatory subjects in that they provide the possibility of choice.
It was also proposed to postpone the State Matura exam until the 2028/2029 school year.
The government also adopted the Conclusion on the Adoption of the Programme of Credit Support for Family Businesses and Entrepreneurs in 2025.
The programme secures the financial empowerment of family businesses in the form of favourable credit funds intended for family businesses and entrepreneurs, who significantly contribute to the preservation and strengthening of local communities, increasing competitiveness and reducing unemployment by carrying out activities in the field of manufacturing and processing goods.
Furthermore, the government adopted the Conclusion ordering the ministries responsible for placing on the market and controlling the quality and safety of food, namely honey, milk and dairy products, wine and strong alcoholic beverages, namely the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and the Ministry of Domestic and Foreign Trade, to take urgent measures through their inspections, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, to strengthen market control, as well as control at the state border, in order to combat fraud and prevent the placing on the market of the listed products whose qualitative and chemical indicators indicate deceptive production and distribution practices.