Director of the Office for Information Technology and eGovernment Mihailo Jovanović participated today in the panel “Healthcare in Serbia based on innovations” within the 32nd Kopaonik Business Forum.
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Director of the Office for Information Technology and eGovernment Mihailo Jovanović participated today in the panel “Healthcare in Serbia based on innovations” within the 32nd Kopaonik Business Forum.
On this occasion, Jovanović emphasized that the Office for IT and eGovernment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, is actively working on the digitalization of healthcare – one of the most important, most complex and most demanding projects in the Republic of Serbia that was launched during the mandate of this government, and which will yield its results during the mandate of the next government.
The Office, he added, provides technical support to the Ministry of Health in establishing the Integrated Healthcare Information System.
He stated that the task is very complex, given the existence of more than 300 local health information systems in public ownership and more than 150 in private ownership.
According to him, the process of migrating local health information systems to the State Data Centre in Kragujevac is underway, in order to enable data to be in one, safe and secure place and to increase the performance of IT systems.
Jovanović stated that 32 local information systems have been transferred so far, and in the next year and a half it is planned that the majority will be in the State Data Centre.
According to him, these activities are actually the basis for establishing e-Health Card, which will represent a central registry of patient health and medical data, and thanks to which doctors will have complete and timely information about the patient, regardless of whether he is being treated in state or private institutions.
Jovanović stated that the Office for IT and eGovernment, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Republic Health Insurance Fund, is working intensively to introduce advanced services for Serbian citizens, such as e-Sick Leave and e-Referral.