In a post on his Instagram profile, Vučević emphasised that the Albin Kurti regime does not stop its illegal and anti-civilisational attempts to destroy everything Serbian and Orthodox in Kosovo and Metohija.
He emphasised that it is shameful and unacceptable what the Priština regime is doing and how far it is going, while international factors remain silent about their vandalism and savagery.
In other words, the latest in a series of incidents that occurred at a site near Prizren, where illegal construction work is being carried out that has caused severe damage to the 13th-century hermitage of St. Peter of Koriša, which is considered part of the invaluable spiritual and cultural treasure of the Serbian Orthodox people and the entire Christian world.
According to him, this incident also shows all the hatred of Albin Kurti towards the Serbian people and their cultural and spiritual heritage in Kosovo and Metohija.
His handwriting is clear – he wants to destroy everything that is Serbian. Threatening religious sites is absolutely unacceptable, just as it is unacceptable for such behaviour not to be criticised, but to be publicly approved, the Prime Minister emphasised.
He called on and urged to all competent international institutions, primarily UNESCO, to prevent attempts to destroy the Serbian cultural and spiritual heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, which, due to its importance and long-standing existence, belongs to the European cultural heritage.
We will continue to invest in the restoration and preservation of our holy sites, just as we will help our people in Kosovo and Metohija in every way, the Prime Minister said.