The Serbian government adopted today the Decree on the establishment of a packaging waste reduction plan for the period from 2025 to 2029, which sets goals for improving the management of municipal packaging waste in the Republic of Serbia.
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The Serbian government adopted today the Decree on the establishment of a packaging waste reduction plan for the period from 2025 to 2029, which sets goals for improving the management of municipal packaging waste in the Republic of Serbia.
The most important goal of the Decree is to enable Serbian citizens to separate household packaging waste suitable for recycling into designated containers.
Investments in collection infrastructure, instead of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, EU funds or local governments, will be implemented by extended producer responsibility organisations, i.e. operators of the packaging waste management system.
The role of the operator is to ensure, through investments and infrastructure development, that packaging waste from industry, the service sector and households is collected separately, recycled or used for energy generation.
This will enable Serbia to meet the European Union's targets for the reuse and recycling of packaging waste and the recycling of total municipal waste in the future, in order to reduce the amount of waste disposed of in landfills.
The government also adopted the Decree on the establishment of the support programme for the implementation of population policy measures and support in the field of family and children in the Republic of Serbia for 2025, and has allocated funds in the total amount of RSD 392,163,000 for these purposes.
At the proposal of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, government members adopted a decision on the admission to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia of Adriana Andrea Jovović and Gabriel Alejandro Jovović, citizens of the Republic of Argentina, whose father Blagoje Jovović left his mark on Serbian history with his life and work.
Blagoje Jovović was the assassin of the war criminal Ante Pavelić, and his descendants have never lost their connection with their homeland and the memory of their father's feat and personal sacrifice.