Free and responsible citizens of the Republic of Serbia,
Councillors in 26 municipal assemblies in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija, which is an inalienable part of the indivisible Republic of Serbia,
Elected on May 11, 2008, by our equally free and equal compatriots through free, fair and legal elections,
Delegated to the Community Assembly of Municipalities of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija, by the municipal assemblies, members of the Community,
Recognising the immediate and vital need to protect our lives, rights, freedom, civic dignity, identity, integrity, culture and property,
Respecting the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Serbia and rejecting all illegal secessionist acts,
Recalling the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999),
Rejecting the proclamation of secession of our Autonomous Province from our Republic as illegal, null and void,
Resisting all injustice, autocracy and violence,
By our own free will gathered here in Kosovska Mitrovica on Vidovdan, June 28, 2008, to establish the Community Assembly of Municipalities of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija, in accordance with Article 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and Articles 88 and 89 of the Law on local self-government, which hereby succeeds the Community of Serbian Municipalities and Settlements of Kosovo-Metohija, and to make a
1. The Community Assembly of Municipalities of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija (hereinafter: Community Assembly) shall be a representative body of citizens of the Republic of Serbia in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija.
2. The work of the Community Assembly is public.
3. The Community Assembly directs and co-ordinates activities of member municipalities of the Community.
4. The Community Assembly adopts declarations, resolutions and proposals and takes positions in regard to state authorities of the Republic operating in the Autonomous Province which are under obligation to submit to the state their regular and, when necessary, special reports.
5. The Community Assembly is entitled to propose legislation of importance to the citizens of the Autonomous Province to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.
6. The Community Assembly is composed of 45 delegates, elected among and by councillors of Municipal Assemblies of constituent municipalities.
7. Mandates of Community Assembly delegates shall last until new delegates are elected, once a new convocation of municipal assemblies of member municipalities is formed.
8. Each constituent municipality has at least one delegate in the Community Assembly.
9. The Community Assembly has a President, Vice-Presidents, Secretariat and may set up Committees.
10. The Community Assembly shall convene in two regular annual sessions and special sessions, when necessary.
11. The Community Assembly will adopt its Rules of Procedure outlining the rules and methods of work in more detail.