Taking part in a consultative meeting on the Framework for Cooperation between the UN and the Government of Serbia, Miščević recalled that a large number of projects are being implemented in partnership, while emphasising the importance of a more comprehensive implementation of what is being done jointly.
UN Resident Coordinator to Serbia Matilde Mordt assessed that, in a rapidly changing world, it is necessary to find a path that will not only solve current challenges, but also prepare the ground for future opportunities.
The meeting was organised on the occasion of the end of the current Framework of Cooperation between the UN and the Government of Serbia, with a new strategic framework planned for the next five years.
The previous framework from 2021 to 2025, with a total value of €365 million, was of great importance for harmonisation with Serbia's development goals, with a focus on the green economy, human resource development and strengthening the rule of law.
According to the announcements, the next phase will focus on addressing Serbia's development challenges, while supporting reforms related to accession to the European Union.